Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, The New Valley Branch, Egypt

2 Department of Social studies, Socio-economic Studies Division, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Egypt


The purposes of this study were to measure respondents’ applicationof sustainable agriculture technologies in the study area, identify factors determining this level of application, and to determine problems facing the agricultural sustainability from the viewpoint of farmers in the study area. Three villages (Al-liwaa Sobieh, Abdel-Mageid Al-Goghail, and Talaat Dergham) belonging to the New Valley observatory for development and cooperatives, Farafrah, New Valley governorate were selected to be the place of the study. Data were collected from a sample of 135 respondents (60, 37, and 38 respectively) during the period of June and July 2016 by personal interviews using a questionnaire form. Frequencies, percentages,range, average, standard deviation, Cronbach’s Alpha, one way ANOVA,and Step-Wise multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis andresults’ presentation. Findings of the study revealed that ‘F’ value was notsignificant at any probability level; this indicated that there are no meandifferences of farmers’ application of sustainable agriculture technologieswithin the three studied villages; this resulted on the combination of the three study’s samples into one sample. Results also revealed that farmers’application of sustainable management of agricultural resources could be ranked as: animal resources (79.6٪ of the maximum score), plant resources (64.6٪ of the maximum score), land resources (61.4٪ of the maximum score), and finally water resources (56.9٪ of the maximum score). Theaverage score of farmers’ application of sustainable agriculture was 39.81(64.2٪ of the maximum score). The majority of respondents (63.7٪) were located in the medium level of sustainable agriculture scale. Regarding factors determine level of adoption of sustainable agriculture technologies,results show that there are significant relationships between farmers’sustainable management of plant resources and 8 independent factors, 3 of them explain about 42.3٪ of differences in the dependent variable. Fiveindependent variables were significantly related with farmers’ sustainablemanagement of land resources, 3 of them explain about 23.4٪ of differences in the dependent variable. Five independent variables were also significantly related with farmers’ sustainable management of water resources, one ofthem explain about 7.6٪ of differences in the dependent variable. Findings also show that there are significant relationship between 9 independentvariables and farmers’ sustainable management of animal resources, 3 ofthem explain about 54.1٪ of differences in the dependent variable. With regard to the total score of sustainable agriculture scale, results show thatthere are 7 independent variables related to farmers’ application ofsustainable agriculture technologies, 2 of them explain about 39.2٪ of differences in the dependent variable. Finally the study determined problems facing sustainability of agriculture and concluded some recommendations.



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